Return/Refund Policy
Once an order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Please be sure to double check that all your information is properly entered and that you are ordering what you truly want.
Orders are shipped within 2-3 business days after the order is placed (weekends excluded). Once the package is dropped off, The Scent Spot has no control over shipping. Delivery usually takes 2-5 business days.
Please be sure to inspect your order upon delivery. If something is wrong with your order (item is damaged, wrong item shipped, wax has melted in transit, etc), please email so the issue can be resolved right away. When emailing, be sure to include your first and last name, a photo of the item, your order number and the issue with the order. Be sure to notify us upon delivery or seven days after otherwise you will be outside the order issue window.
We do not accept returns which means we do not authorize refunds in this event. Everything is final sale.
We do not do exchanges.
We unfortunately do not accept returns on sale items.